In Annecy...

Last week I was at Elena Koupaliantz's gallery. It's been an existing experience, meeting new people and discussing about my pieces and creations. Unfortunately the weather decided to not help the day, raining all along. Anyway did not cut the good ambiance of the day, and I hope to get there soon again !

And wonderfull news I received. I will be showing soon again in Annecy starting the 6th of November with a few other craftsmen (and women) until March. Already so excited to display and many ideas banging in my head... Keep you on touch !

I did experiences with a glazing and I'm happy about the results. I mixed two colors, layered one on the other. Soon my house will be full of blue plates and others stuffs. My husband starts to worry about it...  😄

Экспериментировала с эмалью и , в целом, довольна результатом. Чувствую, скоро дом заполнится различными синими вазами, тарелками и салатницами... Мой муж уже начинает беспокоиться по этому поводу...😄

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